Program List

Cast : Yoshiko Miyazaki (宮崎美子)
7 Titles

2021.10 -2021.12

JAPAN SINKS: People of Hope


Tokyo 2023. Japan’s prime minister announces a plan to store contaminated material in deep-sea strata while entrusting a team of young technocrats to protect Japan’s future. Meanwhile, the public is alarmed by sensational magazine articles predicting the sinking of the Kanto plain owing to the disappearance of an island off the Izu coast. With demonstrators in the streets, a young government official Amami tries to restore order just as a corruption scandal linking the government to a profitable eco-business firm erupts. When Amami and a government colleague escape for a scuba diving trip, they encounter an earth-shattering event.

2023년 도쿄. 히가시야마 총리는 세계 환경 회의에서 오염 물질을 액화해 해저 지층 틈에 저장하는 컴스의 추가 추진을 발표한다.
그 무렵 어느 주간지에 관동 침몰의 경종을 울리는 다도코로의 기사가 실린다.
이 기사로 일부 단체가 시위를 일으키고 아마미는 사태 수습을 위해 다도코로를 만난다. 하지만 그는 아마미의 말을 외면한 채「조만간 이즈 바다의 섬이 침몰된다. 이것은 내가 두려워하던 관동 침몰의 전조」라는 이상한 예언을 한다.
마침 기자 시이나는 환경 기업과 환경성의 놀라운 유착 의혹을 아마미에게 제시한다.
일말의 불안을 안고 스쿠버다이빙을 간 아마미는 그곳에서 충격적인 사건을 마주하게 되는데….


  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance
2021.4 -2021.6
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Romance

How to Get a Divorce for the Whole Family!


Newlyweds Saki and husband Koichi have decided that getting married was a huge mistake. They met by chance and had a whirlwind romance, but their lifestyles and values couldn’t be more different. She’s a fashion editor raised in a modern, liberal home. He’s an ace air-rescue pilot from a strict, conservative upbringing. After their big wedding, they’re too embarrassed to tell their families, friends and colleagues that they’re already getting divorced! So they decide to do it in secret…It can even be a positive first step toward both partners’ future happiness. But when it comes to men and women, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This highly entertaining new series takes a hard look at today’s social values through the lens of divorce.

패션잡지 편집자 미즈구치 사키는 자유로운 가정에서 자란 자신에게 정직한 여성이다. 한편 엄격한 자위관 가정에서 자란 항공자위대 에이스 오바라 코이치.
마치 정반대인 두 사람은 운명적인 만남으로 교제0일에 스피드 결혼을 하고 함께 살기 시작하지만 생활습관과 결혼생활에 요구하는 가치관의 차이로 크게 싸운다.
신혼에 일찌감치 이혼을 결심하지만 주위에 말을 꺼내지 못하고 조용히 이혼을 준비하는“리코카츠”를 시작한다.
이혼 자체가 드물지 않게 된 시대, 이혼은 불행이 아닌 행복을 위한 포지티브한 첫발로 인식되기 시작했다.
현대의 가치관, 시대가 변해도 보편적인 남녀의 다툼을「리코카츠」라는 키워드를 통해 그렸다!

在這個時代,離婚本身已不再是一件稀奇的事情。離婚也不再被視為一件 “不幸”的事情,而是向幸福積極邁進的一步。
這部是通過“離婚活動”這個關鍵詞, 呈現現代人的價值觀和時代變化下也很普遍的男女鬥爭的愛情喜劇!

  • Health&Wellbeing
2020.1 -
  • Health&Wellbeing



Shoen Matsumoto is both a trained paramedic and Buddhist monk attached to a hospital. While providing emergency care straight from the mortuary while still in monk clothes unnerves some patients, Shoen nevertheless proves fully devoted to saving lives, and if that’s not possible, performing rites of spiritual passage for those that die. Dedicated to both roles, he finds himself often at odds with other doctors and colleagues over the best care for patients while bringing solace that only he can to bereaved families. As a doctor, his mission is to save lives. As a monk, it’s saving souls. Growing through this existential struggle, Shoen gives us a life-size drama in which to reflect on the true meaning of life and death.

救急救命医でありながら病院付きの“僧侶”である主人公・松本照円(しょうえん)。 緊急時には僧衣のまま急患のケアに当たり患者たちに迷惑がられたりもしながら、 日々運ばれてくる患者の命に懸命に向き合い、また亡くなった患者のために霊安室で お経をあげて弔うなど、2つの顔で全力で奮闘している。 救命医の仲間や他科の医師たちと患者の命のために本気でぶつかり、 また救うことのできなかった患者の遺族と真摯に向き合う。 「医師」として命をどう救うのか、「僧」として死をどう看取るのか。 悩みを抱えながらも人として成長していく姿を通じ、 「生きる」とは、「死ぬ」とは何なのかを、もう一度考えるきっかけを与えるヒューマンドラマ。

응급실 의사이면서 병원 소속의“승려”이기도 한 주인공 마쓰모토 쇼엔. 응급 시에는 승려복을 입은 채 위급환자를 간호하여 환자들을 난처하게 만들기도 하지만 매일 응급실을 찾는 환자들의 생명에 필사적으로 노력하고, 또 사망한 환자들을 위해 영안실에서 경을 올리며 애도하는 등 두 얼굴의 모습으로 전력 분투한다. 응급실 동료나 타과 의사들과 환자의 생명을 위해 진지하게 맞서고, 또 구하지 못한 환자의 유족에게 진심을 다한다.「의사」로서 생명을 어떻게 구할 것인가?「승려」로서 죽음을 어떻게 지켜볼 것인가? 고민하면서도 인간으로 성장해가는 모습을 통해 「삶」과 「죽음」이란 무엇인가를 다시 한번 생각해보는 계기를 전하는 휴먼 드라마.


  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Romance

Ms. Justice


Work or romance, it's always an uphill battle. Yet nothing gets this neophyte prosecutor down. This zany workplace drama is sure to perk you up!

Main character Ririko Takemura just entered her second year of work at the Yokohama Public Prosecutors Office. The eldest daughter of a tofu shop owner in downtown Tokyo, she is 29 years old and lives with her parents. Ririko is still a novice and quite clumsy all around, but she gives 100% to everything that comes her way. Your image of a "prosecutor" might be that of a perfect person, but Ririko is a character full of human flaws. She is inflexible and a vocal champion of justice, but she also laughs, cries, and readily expresses her joy and anger. Ririko is certainly the type anybody would want to root for.

It goes without saying that the job of a prosecutor is an enormous responsibility. On top of that, there are convicts who underestimate women simply because of their gender, which makes the profession even more emotionally challenging. As if her career isn't already tough enough, everything in Ririko's life seems to be hanging by a thread. Her boyfriend is pushing her to choose between marriage and work, her father might be having an affair, and there's a chance one of her suspects was charged on false accusations. But as she solves one crime and one personal problem after another, Ririko matures as a prosecutor and a woman.

As she tackles every case head-on without giving up despite the worries and pains that come with being a prosecutor, Ririko will inspire women the world over to wake up to a new day with optimism and strength.

为了工作恋爱而艰苦奋斗,却决不气馁的新人检察官。 令人元气满满、神清气爽的职场电视剧!




  • Family
2018 -2018
  • Family



The long-awaited new film by Director Mamoru Hosoda! Journeys through time from a small yard – a story about family and life that connects the past and the future.
A small house with a small tree in a small yard in the corner of a city somewhere.
Kun, a spoiled little boy, has a new baby sister. Ever since her arrival, he misses his parents' affection and is baffled by things he has never experienced before. Then one day in the yard, he encounters a mysterious girl called Mirai who calls him "brother."

Guided by Mirai, Kun travels through time into stories about his family. It is the beginning of the little big brother's big adventure.

Magical worlds that await him. A mystery man who claims he was once a prince. A fantastical experience with his mother as a child. An encounter with a young man who bears a resemblance to his father.

And his discovery of "family love."

Through his adventures, Kun learns life lessons that help him grow in baby steps. Where does he finally end up? And what is the real reason for Mirai's visit?

Staff : Director, Screenplay, Original Story by Mamoru Hosoda
Animation Directors : Hiroyuki Aoyama, Ayako Hata
Art Directors : Takashi Omori, Yohei Takamatsu
Music Composer : Masakatsu Takagi
Opening and Main Theme Song by Tatsuro Yamashita

  • Family
  • Romance
2015.3 -

  • Family
  • Romance

The Platinum Age


Standing at the crossroads of life, the three women encounter a variety of events, subtly linked and gradually unfolding, in this tale focusing on the dreams and adventures of a group of 60-year-olds.
Kaori and Chieko have been friends for 20 years. They can talk about absolutely anything. Being the same age, Kazuko, who has recently moved to Shonan, also finds it easy to share her innermost thoughts with them.
Kari lives a life of ease. She likes nothing better than to think about how she’s going to renovate the kitchen.
Chieko runs an imported furniture shop. Having no children enables the couple to enjoy a carefree life.
Kazuko has never had any complaints, but after becoming curiously sick of her life, she immerses herself in a young man working at a host club.


  • Family
2014 -2014
  • Family



“I have three mothers. Mother who gave me a birth, Mother who raised me up. And, Mother who connected me with the two mothers.”
This is the story about a boy who grew up with no idea at all he was an adopted child until he is 19 years old. He learns hardships his mothers had to come through while exploring his past at the house called “Smile Baby” run by an NPO that secures pregnant women who cannot raise their babies for various reasons.
This story is based on the CTV’s *awarded original documentary program that discloses truth of adoption issues in Japan. “What is a family?” -the story brings about fundamental questions, while telling you realities behind adoption. The shooting was taken place solely in Tokai region. Along with the touching story about the delicate social issue you can feel the local” smell and taste” of Chukyo Area.
*The facts-and-research-based documentary was awarded Grand Prix of Japan Broadcast Culture Awards in November, 2014.