Program List

Cast : Yukiyoshi Ozawa (小澤征悦)
6 Titles

  • Comedy
  • History
  • Action
  • Fantasy
  • School Drama
  • Sci-Fi
  • Comedy
  • History
  • Action
  • Fantasy
  • School Drama
  • Sci-Fi

New Nobunaga Chronicle: High School is a Battlefield


A history buff mad scientist cloned warlords of Japanese civil war period out of his curiosity and released them to the world.

And 15 years later... The cloned warlords grew up as highschoolers gathered in Ginnan High School. To be the ruler of the school, they were expected to be fighting each other with bloodshed... However. Without being noticed, the student who is very unlike the warlord known in the history has been keeping the peace and order of the school.

This very low-spirited, least greedy young man is the cloned Nobunaga Oda.

The peace of Ginnan High School is broken by Ieyasu Tokugawa, a violent and merciless transfer student!

Ieyasu’s autocratic behavior and evil ambition to be the ruler finally puts Nobunaga in action! Who will conquer the school in the end?!

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance
2022.3 -

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance



July 1999. The world is in turmoil. Nostradamus prophecies are on everybody’s lips. Chaos, violence and fear rule the day. In crazy times, a band of special men prepare to rise to the challenge and rescue mankind from the coming Armageddon.
Flash forward to 2022. Well, the end of the world did not come. And there are no signs that it will. With no opportunity to test their highly lethal fists, the downtrodden band of specially-trained men break off their ascetic training as their master gathers them to forlornly announce: “You are dismissed.”
A slightly different kind of coming-of-age tale unfolds about would-be world saviors rendered irrelevant by the times.

2022.1 -

My neighbor,Chikara


Chikara is a gentle and compassionate guy. He can’t leave people in need alone and has a strong feeling of wanting to help others.
However, he is indecisive. He easily gets involved in other people's problems half-heartedly, which finally causes him to suffer. Now, he tries to help his neighbors with various problems.

These days, lifestyle and relationships with others have changed a lot.
People are busy but bored, lonely but want to be alone…
This drama portrays the complexity of modern life and gives us the courage to reconnect with others.

  • Comedy
2020.2 -

  • Comedy

Papa’s in Love Again


The ultimate human comedy lets adults both laugh and cry!!

Former stock trader Goro Yamashita, age 45, was the provider and mainstay for his family... until his beloved wife, Taeko, passed away three years ago. Since then, he’s been a total shut-in. He was once a wonderful father who both excelled at his career and dearly loved his family, but that love was so strong that the shock nearly broke him. Unable to accept his wife’s death, he still hasn’t visited her grave.
Taeko Yamashita was like a goddess to her family, serving as the emotional foundation for all of them until she died in a traffic accident three years ago, when she was 36. She was young and beautiful, charming and gentle, the perfect wife and mother.
A third-year high school student, the Yamashita family’s only daughter Tomo has been efficiently handling all the household chores ever since her mother Taeko passed away when Tomo was in her third year of junior high. She used to be a spoiled child who adored both her parents, but since her father shut himself in, she had no choice but to mature quickly.

Tomo struggles to take care of her useless father, until suddenly a suspicious middle-aged man appears before Goro. In fact, that man is none other than Goro’s wife Taeko, who was so worried about her husband that she came back to life as a middle-aged man!

This drama explores the age-old question: Which is more important, a person’s looks, or what’s inside? And it does so through the extreme situation of a beautiful deceased wife transforming into a middle-aged man!

How are people supposed to live on after they’ve lost someone dear to them?
Does continuing to love that someone bring nothing but pain, or happiness as well?
This is a story of the ultimate pure love, packaged in surrealistic comedy.


3 年前、交通事故で妻に先立たれた山下吾郎(小澤征悦)。

「この人は多恵子さんじゃ! 多恵子さんが帰ってきたんじゃ!」

ありえないような奇跡の連続! そして懊悩する吾郎のドタバタ喜劇!

  • Comedy
2019 -2019
  • Comedy

Temp Staff Psychic Ataru


A bright and positive comedy featuring Atall(Ataru), a female temp-staff working for an event organizing company with psychic power to see through people’s minds!

She always works with a pleasant smile while many of the full-time employees around her are suffering from various worries and anxieties. In fact, Atall (Ataru) has a special ability that shows her the inmost mental imagery and troubles of those around her. And she (Ataru) becomes their soul savior as she solves their problems using her psychic power. Through her positive fortune telling, the lives of the colleagues around her make a positive turn.

Worries, troubles and conflicts that are abundant in any office situation are focused on here and the way to a happier hopeful future is suggested through Atall (Atari). A refreshing and energizing office comedy drama!

  • Comedy
2018 -2018
  • Comedy

The Kitazawas -We Mind Our Own Business-

もみ消して冬 ~わが家の問題なかったことに~

Three elite siblings—a doctor (eldest son), a lawyer (only daughter), and a cop (youngest son)—go all out to solve a “problem” that’s destroying their family’s peace.
You can be sure this family will solve any problem. They conduct strategy meetings during their family meetings, and "the family's happiness" is always top priority--more important than the law or common sense.

Leading the cast of characters is Shusaku Kitazawa, a University of Tokyo graduate who works at the Metropolitan Police Department. He's one of the few who has potential to rise to the ranks of the elite executives. Assigned to the Police Affairs Department, Shusaku studies day and night for the promotion exam in hopes of one day becoming the police commissioner. The drawback is that his sense of justice is too strong.

Equally exceptional are his older sister Chiaki and big brother Hirofumi. Chiaki is a high-flying lawyer who is blessed with both beauty and brains. Her intellectual prowess and eloquence earn her the reputation of "the Kitazawa family's brains." Like Shusaku, Chiaki is a champion of justice but her take on things are "odd" and she ends up shocking people quite frequently. Simply put, she has no common sense.

No one doubts that the eldest brother Hirofumi is a young and talented heart surgeon. His juniors have strong faith in him and he's rumored to be in line to becoming the medical director, even from this early on in his career. His only flaw is that he really loves himself.

Surely, no problem can stand against the elite trio of "cop," "lawyer," and "doctor." They should be able to solve any issue even before it begins. But the older two have personalities and opinions so strong that the youngest Shusaku ends up picking up the slack.

Such was how they were raised by their father Taizo Kitazawa, headmaster of the private middle school Kitazawa Academy. His book on his "secrets" to raising three University of Tokyo graduates became a bestseller and the number of parents dreaming of putting their kids into Kitazawa Academy exploded. Taizo achieved prominence for successfully running a topnotch private middle school, but...

Step into the world of three weird siblings as they weave a ridiculous but somehow beautiful story of family love. Will the lead character, the youngest child who became a cop but somewhat lacks an elitist pretense, mature as a person? Family love vs work ethics--this is the struggle the Kitazawa family is mired in, and they always wind up splitting hairs asking, "Why does it turn out that way?" Follow their antics in this racy "ROTF comedy" fit for the entire family!

由医生(长男)、律师(长女)和警视厅警察(次男)组成的精英三兄妹, 他们“只”全力解决危害家庭稳定的事件──



