Program List

Cast : Yuriko Yoshitaka (吉高由里子)
7 Titles

  • Romance

  • Romance

On a Starry Night


A seemingly mismatch couple of great difference in social status, career, upbringing, age and ‘means of communication’, meet by chance at a camp venue under a clear starry night.
After a romantic yet clumsy kiss,a deaf boy Issei who has no hesitation about his handicap, innocently approaches Suzu. On the other hand, Suzu, the gynecologist who used to work at a renowned hospital, hurt and traumatized by losing her former patient due to an accident during a delivery of a newborn, gradually opens-up to Issei’s pureness and positivity. However, the genuine love story didn’t last long. Shoichiro, the husband of the lost pregnant mother finds Suzu who now works at a rural clinic, tries to take revenge and blame Suzu for his great loss and misfortune. Can Issei who has silently struggled and survived all his life with undeniable obstacles and difficulties, save Suzu’s ultimate crisis?

  • Romance
2021.10 -2021.12
  • Romance



Leading female industrialist, Rio, has been named a key person of interest in a serial murder case investigated by Detective Daiki. The two were once in love with each other in their youth. Rio’s legal advisor, Kenichiro, will do anything for her. Caught in a love triangle and a criminal investigation, Rio and Daiki’s “forbidden” romance seems doomed by a missing person incident 15 years ago and its possible links to a current serial murder case. Is Rio complicit? What would you do to protect those who are most beloved to you, be it a first crush, a sibling, a parent, a child, or a lifelong friend? This suspenseful romance evokes the uncompromising passion, struggle and redemption of true love.

연속 살인사건의 중요 참고인이 된 사업가 사나다 리오와 그녀를 쫓는 형사 미야자키 다이키. 두 사람은 예전 서로 사랑하던 사이였다.
그리고, 현재 리오를 지키는 민완 변호사 가세 켄이치로.
세 사람이 복잡하게 얽히면서 봉인되어 있던 15년 전의 사건이 움직이기 시작한다.
용서받을 수 없는 금단의 사랑, 가로막힌 수많은 벽, 그리고 15년 전의 실종사건이 현재의 연속 살인사건으로 이어져간다. 리오는 살인사건의 범인일까?
첫사랑, 가족, 곁에서 지켜보는 사람… 저마다“가장 사랑하는 사람”을 위해 행동을 일으킨다.
등장인물들이 함께 사랑하는 모습을 때로는 안타깝게 때로는 따뜻하게 그린 서스펜스 러브스토리.


  • Mystery
2020.10 -
  • Mystery

The Dangerous Venus


Based on a masterpiece Keigo Higashino mystery novel, Hakuro Teshima is a bachelor veterinarian with a strong sense of justice and incapable of telling a lie. One day a mysterious woman, Kaede Yagami, appears at his door, claiming to be his younger brother’s wife and informing him of her husband’s sudden disappearance. The two then go in search of the missing brother and husband, but get embroiled in a wealthy family inheritance battle of some 3 billion yen. Expect the unexpected and a jaw-dropping finish as the curtain rises on an epic mystery swirling in human desire.

히가시노 게이고의 걸작 미스터리 소설을 드라마화.
정의감 강하고 거짓말을 모르는 독신 수의사 데지마 하쿠로는 어느 날 갑자기「동생의 처」라 자칭하는 수수께끼의 미녀 야가미 카에데로부터 동생이 실종되었다는 소식을 듣게 된다.
하쿠로는 카에데와 함께 실종된 동생의 행방을 찾아 나선다.
그리고, 30억엔의 유산이 얽힌 어느 명가의 분쟁에 휘말려 간다.
예상도 할 수 없었던 놀라운 결말! 인간의 욕망이 소용돌이치는 장대한 미스터리가 막을 연다!


2020.1 -

Off the Record


The ultimate scoop turned out to be about me!

People go to weekly tabloid "East" for the latest scoop on corrupt politicians and celebrity scandals. Things are going quite well for reporter Kate Makabe on the career and romance fronts. She chases scoops every day and toughs it out in her cutthroat workplace, but the charm and friendliness she got from her mother allow her to have a great love life.

One day, the mother that raised Kate all on her own suddenly dies. In her final moments, she reveals who Kate's father is for the first time. He turns out to be a Hollywood star the whole world knows! Kate is reluctant to believe it, but the evidence seems to prove it.

Digging into the mysteries and secrets surrounding her own birth, Kate stumbles upon the biggest thing she wants to keep off the record! The words, "Your father is actually _____" that her mother uttered before dying brings major turmoil into her life!

What happens when a tabloid reporter who has unveiled many truths about society ends up discovering her own truth?

  • Comedy
2019.4 -
  • Comedy

I will Not Work Overtime, Period!


A satisfyingly heart-warming comedy in support of all people struggling to make their way in an age of revolutionary changes to the workplace. First tackling the issue of overtime work, the drama spotlights not only systemic reforms taking place, but the change in mindset occurring among working people as they re-envision the shape of future society and the balance between life and work.

Currently, Japanese society encompasses widening views on overtime including those who regard it as a necessary evil and others who still see it as a virtue. The protagonist in this story, however, does not. As is a new-age working girl with the personal motto: “Go home at the appointed time,” her working life is a constant battle with High-maintenance r colleagues and ethically-questionable superiors. And yet she still manages to discover small miracles every day, imparting pithy yet inspirational messages about Why we work, the importance of self-love and the value of friendship.

일하는 방식 개혁”의 시대를 살아가는 모든 이들을 응원하는 통쾌한 마음이 따뜻해지는 코미디.
「잔업 문제」를 전면으로 내세워 단순한 제도 개혁이 아닌 일 하는 사람들의 의식개혁=사회인이 지녀야 할“라이프 워크 밸런스”에 대하여 다룬 작품이다.
「이상과 현실은 다르다. 야근은 어쩔 수 없다」며 포기한 사람들, 「야근 하는 미학」을 가진 사람들 등 많은 의견들이 존재하는 지금의 일본 사회.
주인공은 현대의 일본에서“정시 퇴근”을 좌우명으로 살아가는 신세대 워킹걸이다.
특이한 갑질 상사와 동료들 사이에서 분투하면서 매일 작은 기적을 일으킨다.
그리고, 「무엇을 위해 일하는가?」「자신을 소중히」「동료를 소중히」등의 심플한 메시지를 전한다.

爲了加油活在“工作意識改革”時代的每個人的痛快温馨喜劇。該劇以很多公司的“加班問題” 作為切入點,不僅只是制度改革,而重新審視關于勞動人民的意識改革=社會應該擁有的“工作與生活的平衡”。
劇中女主角是一個在現代日本以“絕對準時下班” 模式生活的新一代工作女孩。

  • Romance
2018 -2018
  • Romance

Ms. Justice


Work or romance, it's always an uphill battle. Yet nothing gets this neophyte prosecutor down. This zany workplace drama is sure to perk you up!

Main character Ririko Takemura just entered her second year of work at the Yokohama Public Prosecutors Office. The eldest daughter of a tofu shop owner in downtown Tokyo, she is 29 years old and lives with her parents. Ririko is still a novice and quite clumsy all around, but she gives 100% to everything that comes her way. Your image of a "prosecutor" might be that of a perfect person, but Ririko is a character full of human flaws. She is inflexible and a vocal champion of justice, but she also laughs, cries, and readily expresses her joy and anger. Ririko is certainly the type anybody would want to root for.

It goes without saying that the job of a prosecutor is an enormous responsibility. On top of that, there are convicts who underestimate women simply because of their gender, which makes the profession even more emotionally challenging. As if her career isn't already tough enough, everything in Ririko's life seems to be hanging by a thread. Her boyfriend is pushing her to choose between marriage and work, her father might be having an affair, and there's a chance one of her suspects was charged on false accusations. But as she solves one crime and one personal problem after another, Ririko matures as a prosecutor and a woman.

As she tackles every case head-on without giving up despite the worries and pains that come with being a prosecutor, Ririko will inspire women the world over to wake up to a new day with optimism and strength.

为了工作恋爱而艰苦奋斗,却决不气馁的新人检察官。 令人元气满满、神清气爽的职场电视剧!




  • Comedy
  • Romance
2017 -2017
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Tokyo Tarareba Girls


“I spent my precious youth making “tarareba” (when-if) excuses, and now it’s gone…” The hit comic series that saw over 1.8 million copies printed throughout Japan has now been remade into a drama!
Rinko Kamata, 30 years old, is unmarried and doesn't even have a boyfriend. Her job: (struggling) screenwriter.
With both her career and love life not going well, Rinko indulges herself in a string of "Girls Night Out" shindigs with close friends Kaori and Koyuki.

"When I become pretty, I'm sure an even better guy will come along!"
"If I fall in love with the guy, then I can marry him!"

Just when the ladies were absorbed in their lively "tarareba" (when-if) conversation, a young, blonde and handsome man suddenly shows up and scolds them "You tarareba women!" Just like that, the ladies are given a harsh reality check.

"I thought that if I really wanted it, I could get the ideal career and love life."
"Are we no longer 'girls'?"
Such was the painful truth that smacked them in the face.

Women across the generations will surely relate to these ladies, who search for happiness despite all the struggles in life. "Tokyo Tarareba Girls" is a drama that is sure to hit very close to home, 100% guaranteed!