Program List

Cast : Koji Yamamoto (山本耕史)
9 Titles


Hanasaki Mai Speaks Out 2024


The 2014-2015 smash hit drama series reincarnates with a brand-new cast and a story based on a new novel.
Protagonist Hanasaki Mai works for the on-site inspection team of Tokyo Daiichi Bank’s headquarters.

She used to be a teller but was suddenly transferred to her current position.
Here, Hanasaki witnesses numerous internal scandals she was previously unaware of.
Unable to hold her tongue at the bank’s old-fashioned ways and absurdities, Hanasaki brilliantly solves the crimes and scandals across the bank’s branches and headquarters.
Incapable of turning a blind eye to fraud, Hanasaki stands up for people in weak positions.

This is an exhilarating bank drama you won’t want to miss!

Based on the novels "Hanasaki Mai Ga Damattenai" and "Fushouji" by Jun Ikeido

  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Extremely Inappropriate!


Ichiro is a PE teacher in 1986 feared by his students for a "tough love" approach, harsh tongue and frequently “inappropriate” behavior. He’s also a dad trying to raise a rebellious daughter after having lost his wife to illness. When he gets transported in time to 2024, he encounters modern sensibilities that teach him about empathy, but also gives people of today reason to rethink their own political correctness in this time traversing comedy about change.

1986년. 이치로는 “사랑의 매”라 불린 엄격한 지도를 하는 것이 당연시되던 쇼와시대의 체육교사. 거친 말투에 부적절한 언동을 되풀이하며 학생들로부터도 무서움의 대상이었다. 그런 이치로였지만 아내를 병으로 잃고 집에서는 외동딸의 비행에 애를 태우는 보통의 아버지이기도 하다. 어느 날, 이상하게도 1986년에서 2024년 현재로 타임 슬립해 버린다! 이치로의 극론이 법률 준수에 얽매어진 현시대의 사람들에게 생각할 계기를 주게 되는데…? 쇼와시대에서 레이와 시대로의 타임슬립으로 다시 한번 느끼는 사람들의 차이나 공감을 그린 타임슬립 코미디.




  • Mystery
2022.10 -
  • Mystery

The Black Swindler (2022)


The stage is set in Japan in the year 2022.
In a time where fraud is an imminent threat, societal issues give rise to a slew of elaborate scams. Kurosaki is a man who lost his family to a “white swindler,” which is a professional swindler who scams people out of their money. In order to exact revenge, Kurosaki becomes a “black swindler,” a swindler who tricks other swindlers. He swears to scam every white swindler in the world and takes on foe after foe, but can he find his ultimate enemy who robbed him of his family? This riveting revenge drama exposes the very emotions that scams exploit.

2022년 일본.
사기가 일상의 위협이 되고 있는 현대, 사회의 부작용으로 인해 끊임없이 사기는 탄생하고 수법도 교묘해져간다. 사람을 속여 금전을 빼앗는 프로 사기꾼 「시로 사기」에 의해 가족을 잃은 쿠로자키는 「사기꾼을 속이는 사기꾼・쿠로 사기」가 되어 사기꾼에게 복수를 결심한다.
그는 「이 세상의 시로 사기를 모두 없애버리겠다」고 마음먹고 자신의 인생을 바꿔버린 사기꾼들에게 맞서가지만 가족을 빼앗아간 최대의 숙적을 만날 수 있을까...
통쾌한 복수극 속에서 사람의 「마음」을 이용한 사기이기에 만나게 되는 인간 드라마.


  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance
2022.3 -

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Romance



July 1999. The world is in turmoil. Nostradamus prophecies are on everybody’s lips. Chaos, violence and fear rule the day. In crazy times, a band of special men prepare to rise to the challenge and rescue mankind from the coming Armageddon.
Flash forward to 2022. Well, the end of the world did not come. And there are no signs that it will. With no opportunity to test their highly lethal fists, the downtrodden band of specially-trained men break off their ascetic training as their master gathers them to forlornly announce: “You are dismissed.”
A slightly different kind of coming-of-age tale unfolds about would-be world saviors rendered irrelevant by the times.

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Thriller



Here’s the story of a new section at the Metropolitan Police Department.
Their mission is to find the anonymous abusers on social net working site.
Wataru is a police inspector working for the new section. He’s been demoted because of a “certain” investigation which will be a key throughout the drama. Seem like his new section is full of people who’s been demoted.
One day, a young model commits suicide. Her parents are sure that it’s suicidal death caused by cyberbullying. Wataru investigates only to find that this isn’t a simple case. He faces an atrocious crime.
Today’s technology has advanced at such a rapid pace that it has, in a sense, created a new type of human behavior. Wataru and his team are here to combat the anonymous evils.

  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance
2020.10 -2020.12
  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance

A Warmed Up Love


Kiki Inoue has lost her bearings in life and works a part-time job in a convenience store. But thanks to an incredible passion for conveniences store sweets, she encounters the manager of a major convenience store with whom she forms a partnership to develop the next big convenience store dessert! The manager, however, is only concerned with winning and views Kiki as nothing more than a pawn for achieving his own success. Feigning to be an angel, he is in fact a devil in disguise preying upon Kiki’s dreams and using her. Against this cutthroat corporate backdrop, Kiki is a symbol for many despairing from life’s many disappointments and failures and asking themselves the question “What is most important in life? Here is a Cinderella love story for them and for everyone.

인생에 방황 중인 세상 그 누구보다도 디저트를 사랑하는 편의점 아르바이트생 이노우에 키키.
어느 날 만난 대기업 편의점 체인 경영자와 오리지널 편의점 디저트를 개발하게 된다!
프로 경영자로서 회사의 기대를 받고 있는 그는 경쟁에서 이기지 못하면 의미가 없었다. 그에게 있어 키키는 그야말로 장기의 말이었다.
「천사」의 모습으로 키키의 꿈을 이용하는「악마」와 같은 존재였다!
삶에서「실패」와「패배」를 경험한 인생의 벼랑 끝에 선 사람들이 대기업 편의점을 무대로「인생에서 소중한 것은 무엇인가?」라고 묻는다.
모든 사람들에게 선사하는 신데렐라 러브 스토리!


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2020.1 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance



A 23-year-old rookie nurse falls hard for a doctor she’s long admired while experiencing the triumphs and tragedy of working on the front line of emergency medical care in a story offering hope for tomorrow. As a high school student, Nanase Sakura witnessed the miracle of Doctor Tendo saving a life, and has been enamored with him ever since. Inspired to become a nurse in hopes of meeting Tendo, she finally fulfills her dream only to learn that he is nicknamed “the Devil” and is super sadistic. Nevertheless, Nanase relentlessly expresses honest feelings toward him, which eventually begin to melt his iron-encased heart in this heartwarming, romantic comedy.

憧れの超ドS医師に恋をした23歳の“新米”看護師が、生と死がすぐ側にある“医療の現場”で懸命に働きながら、ときに喜び、ときに悩み苦しみながらも、希望ある明日を掴んでいく物語。 主人公・佐倉七瀬は、高校生の時に、医師・天堂が命を救う現場に出くわし、ひと目で恋に落ちてしまう。天堂に会いたい一心で看護師になった七瀬。しかし、念願叶って天堂に再会してみると、超ドS男子「通称・魔王」だということが発覚!?そんな天堂に対しても、七瀬はまっすぐに素直に思いを伝えつづける…七瀬のまっすぐさが、“魔王”天堂の鉄の心を溶かしていく胸キュン ラブ&コメディー!

동경하던 “초 도S” 의사를 사랑한 23살의 “신참” 간호사가 생과 사가 공존하는 “의료현장” 에서 열심히 근무하면서 때로는 기뻐하고 때로는 고민하면서도 희망찬 내일을 향해 나아가는 이야기. 주인공 사쿠라 나나세는 고등학교 시절 의사인 텐도가 환자의 생명을 구하는 현장을 보고 한눈에 반하게 된다. 텐도를 만나고 싶은 일념으로 간호사가 된 나나세. 하지만 소원을 이루고 텐도와 재회를 해보니 초 도S 남자「속칭・마왕」이라는 것을 알게 되는데!? 그런 텐도에게도 나나세는 솔직하고 꾸밈없이 자신의 감정을 계속 전한다. 나나세의 순수함이 “마왕” 텐도의 냉철한 마음을 녹여가는 심쿵 러브 코미디!


  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
2019 -2019

  • Comedy
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Udo-chan’s Trip Special 2019

旅ゴメ特別編 冬の長良川鉄道 答エハナクトモ旅ハ流ルル

Udo-chan travels around Mino city in Gifu prefecture with a popular Japanese actor, Koji Yamamoto, and a former member of AKB48, Kayo Noro. They take a train on Nagara-gawa line and walk around wherever they wish.
Mino city is famous for some traditional craft; one of them is edged tools like “Katana” sword. At first, they visit a cutlery museum and try blade shaping there. After having lunch at a café they found on the way to a station, they go to a famous place –a group of traditional buildings preserved for over 400 years. In the Edo era, there was a unique construction style of roofs called “Udatsu.” They visit a sake-factory and a museum for lanterns made by “Washi” paper which is originally manufactured in Mino city. Then they visit a 1300-year-old shrine and find a strange sign on the map which marks a tree named “What tree?”

新春恒例!旅してゴメン特別編SP「冬の長良川鉄道」!ゲストに多芸多才な俳優・山本耕史さんと元AKB48メンバー野呂佳代さんを迎えガタンゴトンと自由気ままにぶっつけ本番!行き当たりばったりのリアル旅♪ 情緒あふれる町並みに癒されて思わず本音トーク!プライベート発言も満載!旅にはナゾがつきもの?果たして解明はできるのか?



This is the story of a woman who responds to an abused girl's silent cries of help. Nao, an aloof 30-something woman who works reluctantly as an elementary school teacher, notices the unmistakable bruises on her first grade pupil Rena. Initially, like everyone else, Nao looks the other way. But Rena's wretched desperation soon awakens a passion and determination in Nao. Together they skip town and embark on a risky journey pretending to be mother and child. "Mother" is the story of the transformation of a once disenchanted woman who suddenly takes on the role of a parent to a child who is starved for maternal love. The drama probes into the meaning of motherhood in modern society.