
J-Fest Drama 2022


J-Fest Drama 2022, Japan Program Catalog’s first-ever digital event, kicks off

After a complete revamping, Japan Program Catalog (JPC), the country’s largest television content showcase, is proud to launch its first-ever digital event. J-Fest Drama 2022, features the hottest dramas from 13 flagship nationwide network broadcasters and major channels.

On a regular basis, JPC will introduce a selection of the freshest and best Japanese content by program genre. Our very first J-Fest illustrates the diversity of Japanese drama, ranging from an outrageous rom-com through to crime series featuring the battles between the police and the yakuza (organized crime syndicate), an orthodox period drama centered on a fierce samurai (noble warrior) power struggle, and more. There’s even a scripted and unscripted hybrid format, no doubt an out-of-the-box concept, in the lineup along with shows you haven’t seen yet. The J-Fest Drama 2022 event page is your one-stop-shop that enables you to get the necessary information on each title, enjoy trailers, and get right in touch with the content provider.

J-Fest will be rolling out a series of events that focus on other genres. For this year alone, we will present J-Fests on formats and travelogues. Stay tuned for more updates from JPC! We hope these selections will whet your appetite for Japanese content.

Mathieu Béjot
Senior Adviser, BEAJ



Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) NHK Enterprises, Inc. (NEP)

Nippon TV

TV Asahi Corporation

Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc.

TV TOKYO Corporation

Fuji Television Network, Inc. FUJI CREATIVE CORPORATION


Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc.

Asahi Television Broadcasting Corporation

Kansai Telecasting Corporation

Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation YTE LTD.

Nagoya Broadcasting Network Co.,Ltd. (Nagoya TV)

Chukyo TV. Broadcasting Co., Ltd.


The 13 Lords of the Shogun

12th century, Japan. Charismatic leader Minamoto no Yoritomo founds the Kamakura Shogunate, shifting the political powerbase from Kyoto to the east. Behind this military feat are thirteen vassals. But after the superstar shogun's death, a fierce power struggle erupts. The one out of the Thirteen who emerges on top is Hojo Yoshitoki, the youngest of them all. How did this young samurai, who started with no such ambitions, become the greatest warrior in the country? It's a ruthless game of intrigue in the new capital Kamakura -- Yoshitoki must play his cards carefully.

Guilty Flag

Japan is supposedly a peaceful country, but every year, 85,000 people go missing. Only a handful of cases are deemed urgent and worthy enough by the police to be investigated. Perhaps what is needed to convince the police is... the world’s attention. The thing is... once the public’s eyes are all over a case, “misfortune” grows, and with it comes “misery.” When baffling incidents occur, the whole worlds seems to take whatever limited information is available to conduct their own “deductive reasoning” and paint a picture of the background “story.” It’s 2021, and many in Japan have tools and platforms to disseminate information. To say that we’re in an era of 100 million “detective novel writers” is no stretch. Numerous mouths, fingers, and pens give birth to all sorts of “stories” that, in turn, lead to other “stories,” creating a snowball effect. So, just what is the truth and what are the lies? Our protagonist unexpectedly becomes the central figure of such countless “stories.” One day, his wife and kids suddenly disappear. He frantically searches for them, but has no leads whatsover. In the blink of an eye, whatever sympathy he received takes a turn for the worse. Speculative minds think, “Maybe the husband killed them?” After being flagged as the real culprit, all eyes focus on him as he gets driven into a corner. Will he be able to get his beloved family back? Where can the truth be found? A fierce six-month-long battle begins! What “story” will you make out of this case?

My neighbor,Chikara

Chikara is a gentle and compassionate guy. He can’t leave people in need alone and has a strong feeling of wanting to help others. However, he is indecisive. He easily gets involved in other people's problems half-heartedly, which finally causes him to suffer. Now, he tries to help his neighbors with various problems. These days, lifestyle and relationships with others have changed a lot. People are busy but bored, lonely but want to be alone… This drama portrays the complexity of modern life and gives us the courage to reconnect with others.


Leading female industrialist, Rio, has been named a key person of interest in a serial murder case investigated by Detective Daiki. The two were once in love with each other in their youth. Rio’s legal advisor, Kenichiro, will do anything for her. Caught in a love triangle and a criminal investigation, Rio and Daiki’s “forbidden” romance seems doomed by a missing person incident 15 years ago and its possible links to a current serial murder case. Is Rio complicit? What would you do to protect those who are most beloved to you, be it a first crush, a sibling, a parent, a child, or a lifelong friend? This suspenseful romance evokes the uncompromising passion, struggle and redemption of true love. 연속 살인사건의 중요 참고인이 된 사업가 사나다 리오와 그녀를 쫓는 형사 미야자키 다이키. 두 사람은 예전 서로 사랑하던 사이였다. 그리고, 현재 리오를 지키는 민완 변호사 가세 켄이치로. 세 사람이 복잡하게 얽히면서 봉인되어 있던 15년 전의 사건이 움직이기 시작한다. 용서받을 수 없는 금단의 사랑, 가로막힌 수많은 벽, 그리고 15년 전의 실종사건이 현재의 연속 살인사건으로 이어져간다. 리오는 살인사건의 범인일까? 첫사랑, 가족, 곁에서 지켜보는 사람… 저마다“가장 사랑하는 사람”을 위해 행동을 일으킨다. 등장인물들이 함께 사랑하는 모습을 때로는 안타깝게 때로는 따뜻하게 그린 서스펜스 러브스토리. 於一連環殺人案中成為主要嫌疑犯的企業家・真田梨央及負責追查該案件的刑警・宮崎大輝。 在過去曾是“真心最愛彼此”的兩人。而現在守護在梨央身邊的是優秀律師・加瀨賢一郎。 當這3人錯綜複雜的交結在一起時,15年前被記憶封印住的事件亦將展開新的局面。 不被允許的戀情,出現在眼前的種種困難,15年前的失蹤事件和現在發生的連環殺人案也將被連接起來。 年輕女企業家的梨央真的會是連環殺人案的犯人嗎...? 發生在過去及現在的事件真相將被揭開。 初戀對象,姊弟,親子,守護在身邊的人…每個人為了自己“最愛”的人會做出什麼樣的行動? 各個登場人物相互扶持,相愛的模樣時而令人感傷,時而也有著溫馨描寫的懸疑愛情故事。

All but divorced

A man and a woman. After seven years of marriage and painfully failed attempts to have a boby, love has faded away. No conversation, no sex. They are married because they have not divorced yet. The husband has been sleeping with a teenager whom he forces to have an abortion. Cornered by his wife over his betrayal, long-lost passion is reignited inside the husband who breaks down in tears and begs for forgiveness. He sends his lover a text to say it's all over. The wife soon gets pregnant. Things seem to have gone back to normal, until one evening the young mistress knocks on the door. Infuriated by the sight of the wife's belly, the kid grabs a knife. The desperate couple strangles her to death. Now they are inseparable, bonded by their feelings of guilt and their desire to protect their future family. Then the husband receives another visitor. "My girlfriend is missing. I know you were having an affair with her."

Don't Call it Mystery

Totonou Kunou is a college student who has a complex about his natural perm, has no friends or a girlfriend, and simply loves curry. He is someone who always questions about what is taken for granted in society and tries to think things through thoroughly. He has a vast amount of knowledge and develops his own theories based on his unique values. As a young guy, he has lived his life being called “annoying and troublesome” because he can’t help talking no matter what is happening around him. One day, he is accused of a murder he isn’t aware of. As he is interrogated by the detectives, he realizes that there are hidden clues behind the case and the problems that the detectives are facing. Then, without any desire to “solve the case,” he just talks about whatever comes to mind at his own pace, and before you know it, he has unraveled not only the mystery of the case, but also people’s hearts…


After Shigeki Nagamine lost his wife, he cherished his only daughter Ema by himself until she became a high school girl. One night, however, Ema did not return home from hear part-time job, and her gruesome dead body was found afterward. A few days later, Shigeki receive a secret call giving the names and whereabouts of the criminals. After some indecision, he goes to the apartment he was informed of and rummages about the room. There he finds a video showing Ema being killed in such a cruel way. Shigeki accidentally kills Atsuya, one of the criminals who returned home, and moreover searches for a juvenile delinquent Kaiji, the chief culprit.

Sweat and Soap

Asako Yaeshima (26) works in the accounting department of Lilia Drop, a cosmetics and bath products maker. She has developed a complex due to hyperhidrosis and passes her days worried about her perspiration and body odor. One day, a coworker from the product development department, Kotaro Natori (29), tells her that “the way you smell gives me inspiration,” and she finds herself allowing him to smell her for the sake of creating new products. In the following days, getting “smelled” by Kotaro for product creation becomes a regular occurrence. In the beginning, Ayako finds this uncomfortable, but gradually becomes attracted to him… Likewise, Kotaro starts to feel drawn toward Ayako and soon, they begin dating! Going out with Kotaro slowly breaks down the wall that Ayako had put up, revealing a warm, cheerful personality. Milestone events that couples mark, dating, living together… One step at a time, the two deepen their relationship…maturing slowly as a couple living together and as human beings. 在製造化妝品&浴室用品的名牌企業[莉莉亞滴落]的會計部上班的職業女性 八重島麻子(26), 因為有重度的出汗體味而懷有自卑情節,每天都在忙活如何抑制出汗和消去體味。 就這樣有一天麻子在工作的時候,被公司商品開發部的策劃人 名取香太郎(29)說道, [聞到你身上的味道能產生靈感],為了開發新產品需要讓我聞你的體味。 在這之後,為了開發商品,麻子有時侯會被香太郎聞身體體味。剛開始麻子對他的行為表示困惑, 但是逐漸的麻子被對方吸引喜歡上了對方。 。 。 香太郎也不止喜歡聞麻子的體味,也開始喜歡上了麻子,兩個人開始交往了! 和香太郎開始交往後,麻子逐漸打開心扉,性格變得開朗起來…情侶一起參加活動, 約會…同居…等一步一步的交往,逐步加深了兩人的情侶關係。無論是在生活關係上, 還是情侶關係上,作為成年人進一步成長。 兩人超純愛戀體味癖的愛情故事,讓劇情毫無阻攔的向前發展戀愛進度

The Sealer

In this world, there exist demon swords. Those who have the sword will have their will taken over, and they will lust for human blood and keep on killing indiscriminately. The sealer is who searches for those blades that haunt people and seal them with his scabbard. この世には、人の心に溜まった闇が作り出す“穢刃(けがれやいば)”が存在する。穢刃を手にした者は、魂を刃に吸い取られ、むやみに殺戮を繰り返す。 そんな穢刃を唯一封印できる者を“封刃師(ふうじんし)”と呼ぶ。

My Dear Exes

Omameda Towako has been married and divorced three times. That’s led to gossip: “See her? She’s had three ex-husbands! I bet she’s got people problems.” But while Towako and her exes are divorced, they’re certainly not separated. A head waiter, a lawyer, and a photographer, Towako’s three ex-husbands have not gone anywhere. The three men sometimes collude, sometimes collide. And for better or worse, Towako ends up caught in the middle. Like when she starts preparing to spend time with a new man. Who tags along? Her three ex-husbands, of course. "My Dear Exes" is a heartwarming comedy about four kind-hearted souls that invites viewers to think about the meaning of family and the paths we choose in life to make us happy.

Kei x Yaku - Dangerous Buddy

Three years ago, a video of a female public security investigator being kidnapped and assaulted was uploaded to the internet. Her name was Rion Nakaba, and the video caused a huge uproar- but it was instantly deleted. This incident was called the “Joker Case” within the Public Safety Bureau, and for some reason, the investigation was quickly terminated and Rion was deemed to have been killed in the line of duty. Ichiro Kunishita, a junior public safety investigator who looked up to Rion, was not satisfied with this decision, and continues to advocate for the “Joker Case” to be reinvestigated. However, his boss Chief Taguchi orders him to take on a completely different case. Ichiro is requested to conduct a private investigation on Shiro Hanabusa, the young leader of the Minegami Clan crime syndicate. It seems that Shiro had quickly risen through the ranks of the Minegami Clan and has become the lover of several politicians. For the investigation, Ichiro approaches Shiro at a hotel bar. Shiro is wary of Ichiro's presence and the situation is touch-and-go, but it seems Shiro thinks of Rion as a sister. In order to find Rion, Shiro says he became the leader of an organized crime syndicate, and confirms that he has been prostituting himself to politicians in order to obtain information. Ichiro proposes they team up for Rion’s sake. They pretend to obey Chief Taguchi's orders and begin living together, posing as lovers. Using the diary left behind by Rion as a clue, they discover that before she disappeared, Rion was investigating the terrorist bombing incident that occurred 20 years prior, which also took the lives of Ichiro's parents. They discover that Taguchi was also involved in that investigation. Is Taguchi an ally, or a foe? When Ichiro questions Taguchi if he is hiding information about Rion's disappearance, Taguchi invites him to his apartment. What awaits him there is a reunion with Rion. They pretend to obey Chief Taguchi's orders and begin living together, posing as lovers. Rion's life had been threatened throughout the investigation, and it was Chief Taguchi's ploy to claim that she had been killed in action, when in reality she had been in hiding. Though Ichiro was elated with their reunion, it was short-lived. As suspected, Rion was further investigating the terrorist incident, and she said that her life was under threat because she had uncovered the truth behind the bombing. Ichiro and Shiro join up with Rion and Taguchi to investigate the bombing. Ichiro is strongly motivated to avenge his parents. As Shiro finds out more about Ichiro's loneliness, he begins to develop a strong emotional bond with him. However, it is confirmed that that the perpetrator of the bombing is also Shiro's benefactor, and this causes him to become intensely conflicted. To keep the incident a secret, the people suspected of being involved in it are being erased one by one. It turns out that the prime minister and other big-shot politicians are heavily involved behind the scenes, and Ichiro and Shiro find themselves in grave danger in the thick of a massive conspiracy.

The Real Thing

Kuzumichi Tsuji is a “Good man” who has a good reputation for his work. He has casual relations with two women in his workplace, however, he feels kind of bore for dull days without excitement. He has never fallen in love with someone from the bottom of his heart. One day, he meets a mysterious woman named Ukiyo (means “transitory world”) and saves her life who was about to die in a railroad crossing because of her car’s engine problem. Ukiyo is beautiful, but her off-guard attitude causes lots of problems for other people including Tsuji. Though he notices her troublesome nature, he unconsciously gets involved with her. Gradually Tsuji comes to have a dangerous relationship with underworld figures. Even he loses usual life style, he is willing to save Ukiyo, but that leads him to an even worse situation. 中小卸売会社に勤める辻一路は、仕事は無難にこなしつつも、どこか真剣になれず退屈な日常を過ごしていた。そんな辻は、会社 の2人のOLと深い関係にあった。 ある夜、辻は、不思議な雰囲気の女性・葉山浮世の運転するレンタカーが踏み切りで立ち往生し 、他の車にぶつかってしまう現場に出くわす。警察の聴取に浮世は、運転していたのは辻だ、と答える。浮世が嘘を認めて、事件 は解決したが…。 その後、街で浮世と偶然に再会した辻は、浮世がやばいスジからの借金を抱えていることを知る。関わりたくは ない。しかし辻は、分別のない行動をとる浮世を放っておけず、浮世を追ってさらなる深みに嵌っていき、破滅への道を歩みだし た…。 在中小商社工作的公司職員辻一路,在公司內評價很好,也有像戀人關係一樣的女性,但是不擅長被他人喜歡,也不擅長去喜歡別人,從來沒有認真談過戀愛.有一天,他無意中救了謎一般的女子葉山浮世,一連串的麻煩事卻隨之展開。浮世經常令人措手不及,為身邊的人帶來很多麻煩,然而,辻一路卻被她深深吸引,即使被浮世打亂了他的日常生活,他卻沒法抽離,更奮不顧身地去接近浮世,使辻一路陷入更加糟糕的處境⋯⋯導演深田晃司擅長透過不正常的男女愛情觀,展現人性的複雜樣貌。新作《真愛假不了》首次改編自同名漫畫的日劇。經過重新剪輯後濃縮成232分鐘的電影版、入圍2020年康城影展主競賽單元。

Wonder Food - from Fiction to Reality

“Wonder Food” is a unique drama for a format that challenges the most creative Chefs of the country to bring alive amazing dishes spotted in fictional masterpieces of our times. There are three episodes and we broadcasted in January 2020 at midnight. The initial target was for younger, however, not only younger but also elderly people viewed this drama. We understand, finally, a wide range of generations enjoyed the “Wonder Food”.