Program List

Cast : Tomoya Nakamura (中村倫也)
9 Titles

  • Mystery
2023.7 -
  • Mystery

Hayabusa Fire Brigade


Having given up on life in Tokyo, a novel writer, Taro Mima moved to the Hayabusa district of Yaoyorozu Town in the mountains. There is a house, 'Sakura Yashiki' left to him by his late father, and Taro enjoys his life in the great outdoors. One day, he is invited by the community chairman to a local drinking party, where he is encouraged to join the 'fire brigade'. A few days later, during the fire brigade's initiation and dismissal ceremony, a siren suddenly rings out. A fire breaks out in the Hayabusa area. The fire brigade's desperate efforts to extinguish the blaze result in no injuries, but the incident leads to a serial arson case and then a murder case...
A number of suspicious characters appear one after another, including Aya Tachiki, a beautiful woman who is a video creator, and approaches Taro; Enishi, the priest of Zuimyoji Temple, who for some reason is very wealthy; Muraoka, the mayor of Yaoyorozu Town, who is strangely hostile towards the Hayabusa area; and Manabe, a solar panel salesman.

Male / 20-34, Male / 35-49, Male / 50~
Female / 20-34, Female /35-49, Female /50~

  • Comedy
2022.7 -2022.9
  • Comedy

ISHIKO and HANEO: You're Suing Me?


Personalities and complexes collide between a Tokyo University-educated paralegal, Shoko (“Miss Compliance”) and a young lawyer with only a high school degree, Yoshio (“Mr. Bohemian”). Nevertheless, they somehow manage to help clients in a small town through the “Ushio Legal Counseling Office” in this off-color legal drama! With Shoko’s sharp wit and stubbornly single-minded passion, and Yoshio’s penchant for acting cool, the two are more similar than they would admit despite constant bickering as they fight for the rights of their clients.

미스 컴플라이언스 “도쿄대 졸업”의 법률사무 보조원 이시다와 미스터 보헤미안 “고졸” 변호사 하네오의 “트러블 콤비”가 콤플렉스와 콤플렉스를 부딪혀가며 마을의 법률사무소「이시다 법률사무소」를 찾아오는 사람들을 도와주며 성장해가는 이색 법률 드라마!
두뇌가 명석하지만 고집이 세고 한 곳으로 만 내달리는 이시코와 거만하고 뻔뻔스러운 태도로 문제를 일으키기도 하는 하네오는 어딘가 닮은 부분도 있다….
정반대인 것 같은 두 사람은 불꽃 튀기는 배틀을 이어가며 다양한 트러블에 맞서 의뢰인을 구해간다.

凡事重視法規的”東大畢業”律師助理・石子小姐vs凡事放浪輕浮的”高中畢業”律師・羽男先生,這兩人的“凹凸拍檔”以各自抱持的自卑情結相互碰撞,在為區域居民提供法律服務的[A1] 「石田法律事務所」替人們解決疑難雜症的同時,亦開始有所成長,為前所未有的法律娛樂喜劇!

  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance
2020.10 -2020.12
  • Food/Cooking
  • Romance

A Warmed Up Love


Kiki Inoue has lost her bearings in life and works a part-time job in a convenience store. But thanks to an incredible passion for conveniences store sweets, she encounters the manager of a major convenience store with whom she forms a partnership to develop the next big convenience store dessert! The manager, however, is only concerned with winning and views Kiki as nothing more than a pawn for achieving his own success. Feigning to be an angel, he is in fact a devil in disguise preying upon Kiki’s dreams and using her. Against this cutthroat corporate backdrop, Kiki is a symbol for many despairing from life’s many disappointments and failures and asking themselves the question “What is most important in life? Here is a Cinderella love story for them and for everyone.

인생에 방황 중인 세상 그 누구보다도 디저트를 사랑하는 편의점 아르바이트생 이노우에 키키.
어느 날 만난 대기업 편의점 체인 경영자와 오리지널 편의점 디저트를 개발하게 된다!
프로 경영자로서 회사의 기대를 받고 있는 그는 경쟁에서 이기지 못하면 의미가 없었다. 그에게 있어 키키는 그야말로 장기의 말이었다.
「천사」의 모습으로 키키의 꿈을 이용하는「악마」와 같은 존재였다!
삶에서「실패」와「패배」를 경험한 인생의 벼랑 끝에 선 사람들이 대기업 편의점을 무대로「인생에서 소중한 것은 무엇인가?」라고 묻는다.
모든 사람들에게 선사하는 신데렐라 러브 스토리!


  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking
2020.4 -
  • Romance
  • Food/Cooking

Gourmet Detective Goro Akechi

美食探偵 明智五郎

If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal? A handsome gourmet detective gets to the heart of a serial killer in this poisonously romantic suspense drama!

Detective Goro Akechi has a passion for fine dining. Good-looking but incredibly quirky, he solves food-related crimes by using, well, food. He treats Ichigo Kobayashi like his assistant and drags her into all sorts of cases, even though she's perfectly happy just running her food truck.

The thorn in Goro's flesh is the beautiful and self-proclaimed "Maria Magdalena," who upon meeting him transforms into a killer. Their relationship is at the same time "detective vs murderer" and "opposites attract."

Indulge your senses in savvy investigations, dangerous romance, and exquisite cuisine in this ultimate gourmet entertainment!

  • Comedy
  • Romance
2019.7 -
  • Comedy
  • Romance

Nagi's Long Vacation


Nagi Oshima is a 28-year-old employee of consumer appliance maker, with silky straight hair and a peculiar personality, feeling she must try her hardest to “read the room” so as to interact well with others. But her striving to adapt to others leads her one day to hyperventilate and collapse. “I need to rethink my life!” she proclaims, physically and mentally exhausted. So she decides to give up everything and “reset” her life. She quits her job, terminates her condo lease, breaks off all contact with her boyfriend and everyone she knows, and goes on a solitary search to discover the “freedom” to enjoy her own life. This even means undoing her straight perm and letting her natural curly hair flow, something she’s always harbored a complex about. Moving to a new neighborhood and new life, however, presents both new and old challenges. She meets the man living next door, someone she might define as “too free” and re-encounters her boyfriend, from whom she’d hoped to escape. A romantic comedy straight from the heart that extolls the virtues of self-acceptance and living true to oneself.


가전 회사에서 일하는 찰랑거리는 스트레이트 헤어가 특징인 28살 오시마 나기는 줄 곳 남의 눈치를 살피며 타인에게 맞추려고 무리하다가 과호흡으로 쓰러진다.
「내 인생, 이대로 좋은 걸까…」심신이 지쳐버린 나기는 모든 것을 버리고 인생을 리셋하기로 결심한다!
회사를 그만두고 아파트도 해약하고, 남자친구는 물론 관계되어있던 모든 사람들과의 연락도 끊고 콤플렉스였던 천연 곱슬머리도 그대로 둔 채 행복해지기 위해 인생의 「휴식」을 갖기로 한다.
그런 그녀가 이사 간 곳에서 만난 것은 너무나 자유로운 옆집 남자.
그리고, 연락을 끊었던 남자친구와의 재회.
자신답게 있는 그대로의 삶의 소중함을 그린 휴먼 러브 코미디.


  • Comedy
  • Romance
2019 -2019
  • Comedy
  • Romance

A Story to Read When You First Fall in Love


After being a star student in high school, Junko Harumi finds herself in her early thirties having failed at love, college entrance exams and good employment. Working at a cram school as a tutor bereft of hope and motivation, she spends her days believing she’ll be fired at any moment. Then one day, a knuckle-headed, delinquent teen named Kyohei Yuri appears before her. “I want you to get me into the University of Tokyo,” he says. Having herself failed to get into the country’s most prestigious university, Junko refuses thinking it beyond her abilities, but then is overpowered by Kyohei’s strong will and desire, and finally relents. In the process, she is surprised when her handsome cousin, Masashi Yakumo, an elite trade company man, returns from working overseas and suddenly proposes marriage to her. With her life suddenly taking a turn for the better, can Junko get Kyohei into the University of Tokyo from a bottom-feeder high school? And is she destined to find the love to set her life on a new path?

고등학생까지 우등생이었지만 지금은 사랑도 수험도 취직에도 실패한 30대 전반의 하루미 준코는 근무처인 입시학원에서 희망도 의욕도 없이 잘리기 직전이다. 어느 날 그런 그녀 앞에 삼류불량학교에 다니는 유리 쿄헤이가「나를 도쿄대에 입학시켜달라」
며 찾아온다.
자기 자신도 도쿄대학 입시에 실패했기에 다른 사람을 합격시킬 수 없을 것이라며 거절하지만 쿄헤이의 기세에 눌려 결국 승낙하게 된다. 그러던 중 명석한 두뇌에 엘리트인 이종사촌 야쿠모 마사시가 해외 부임에서 돌아오더니 준코에게 갑자기 프러포즈를 한다!?
삼류고교에서 도쿄대 합격이라는 무모한 도전을 준코와 쿄헤이는 달성할 수 있을까? 준코는 운명의 사랑과 만날 수 있을까?

有一天,一個低能學校的不良高中生由利匡平來對她説“請讓我考上東京大學”。 雖然因爲自己的入學考試也是不及格,所以覺得不可能而拒絕的順子,但被充滿干勁的匡平迫得最終還是接受這個工作。
順子到底能不能完成讓匡平從底層高中考上東京大學這個欠斟酌的挑戰? 順子是否能遇到命運的戀愛?

  • Comedy
2018 -2018
  • Comedy

Hotel on the Brink!


Staffed by sketchy people, this rock-bottom hotel is on the brink of bankruptcy! Out of nowhere, the ultimate shady guest arrives. This is the story of a hotel's "miraculous" transformation.

"Welcome to Hotel on the Brink!"

Nestled in the suburbs are the remnants of what was, in the old days, a small-but-grandiose, classy hotel appreciated by people in the know. As the years went by, however, it found its way to rock bottom and on the brink of bankruptcy, staffed by people with zero motivation and skills. It's truly a gathering of sketchy losers!

Today, like any other day, the lifeless lobby is manned by yawning employees. Suddenly, into the classical ambiance enters an extremely casual-looking young man. He is out of place in the surroundings, and the unmotivated but overly-arrogant staff members turn their malicious eyes on him. Not one person has any inkling that he is about to turn this rock-bottom hotel upside down.

Drowning in debts totaling 300 million yen (3 million dollars), this classic hotel has morphed into a den infested with useless staff notorious for their shadiness and horrible service. It's so on the brink that moving one block will cause the whole thing to crumble, literally and figuratively.

If you're thinking there's not much you can do to change your current situation anyway, look no further. This Sunday evening comedy will help you laugh the blues away! Gathered in a single hotel armed with their own unique shadiness, the colorful characters will weave together an outrageous sitcom just for you. Just a one-hour "stay" every Sunday leaves you laughing and laughing until you suddenly realize you've been touched profoundly. That's the experience this hotel promises!

奇葩辈出的无能员工!濒临倒闭的底层酒店! 出现在这里的,是比任何人都更加奇葩的神秘顾客! 这是一家酒店的"奇迹"故事。



  • Romance
  • School Drama
2017 -2017
  • Romance
  • School Drama

My Teacher


Hibiki is an awkward, 17-year-old high school sophomore who hasn't known romance.
But she's about to fall in love for the very first time. With whom?
A man who isn't great with words, but compassionate about his students.
It's her history teacher, Mr. Ito.
"Is it okay if I fall for you?" Hibiki asks.
"I'm afraid I can't return those feelings," is Ito's reply.
Hibiki's first love crashes before takeoff. But it doesn't matter.
"Still I want to cherish my crush anyway."
A teacher's heart begins to turn by a student's pure love.

고교2학년 히비키는 조금은 서투르고 아직 사랑을 모르는 17살.
그런 히비키가 태어나 처음으로 진짜 사랑을 한다.
그 상대는 말주변이 없지만 학생들을 소중히 생각하는 세계사 선생님 이토였다.
「좋아해도 돼요?」
「너의 그 마음에는 답할 수 없어」
첫사랑은 간단하게 막을 내렸다. 하지만….
「지금은 가장 좋아하는 사람을 좋아하고 싶어!」
히비키의 순수한 마음은 조금씩 이토의 마음을 움직이게 한다.


  • Romance
  • Fantasy
2015 -2015
  • Romance
  • Fantasy

Love Story from A Hundred famous poem(Hyakunin Isshu)


I’ve just received a postcard from Ecuador. My best friend, Yusuke who loves traveling all over the world always sends me a post card from everywhere he visits.One day, Fuko received a wedding invitation instead of a postcard…
On the first day Reina is working for a rental video shop as a part-time job, she is excited to work with Miyano who is her idol. However, she finds Kitamura, whom she dislikes, on working at the same shop. Though Reina wants to talk with Miyano, she cannot get along with him well enough. On the other hand, she is upset by Kiramura’s behavior.
Kaori is drinking out of desperation. She sees a restaurant inquiry form on her mobile. The restaurant is run by her ex-boyfriend.When she is typing, “I’m going to die tonight” on the inquiry form, a Shinto priest wearing the costume of the Heian period just appears with the wind.
★Hyakunin Isshu is a kind of karuta, Japanese traditional playing cards.The game is played mostly on Japanese New Year's holidays. On each card, a poem (waka) is written, and there are a total of 100 poems by 100 different poets."

【第一首】ポストカードの恋                                                    エクアドルからポストカードが届いた。世界中を旅する親友の佑介は、いつも風子に旅先からカードを送ってくれるのだ。

(EP3) 對失戀極有效的菜單